 サイズ 西の内2枚版
 ■商品コード T-16013■

・Ushwakamaru and Tengu
 Size: Nishi-Nouchi 2-page
 Product code T-16013  

              ▶email order  
  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記です。別途、消費税が加算されます。
  • これらの津軽凧絵は、絵のみとなります。
  • 額入の場合、額の種類等により価格が異なりますので、ご相談ください。
  • サイズは、西の内の尺度となります。
  • All prices are listed in the table below. A separate consumption tax will be added.  
  • These Tsugaru kite paintings are paintings only.
    (It's not a kite with a frame.)
  • It may take several months depending on the busy season, so please contact us.
  • The price of a framed picture differs depending on the type of the frame, so please consult with us.
  • The size will be on a scale of Nishinouti (west inside).
    One sheet (333mm x 485mm) of Nishinouti (west inside) is two sheets of half-paper (243mm x 333mm).
  • 八百年余り前、義経こと牛若丸がまだ遮那王(しゃなおう)と名乗っていた頃の七歳から十年間、昼は学問、夜は武芸に励んでいた地が鞍馬であるといわれています。
  • ただ1人取り残された義経の素性を知り憐れんだ山伏は花の名所へと義経を案内しました。
  • 厳しい修行に耐え抜いた義経に兵法を授けた大天狗は再会を約束し立ち去ったといいます。その後、奥州藤原氏の庇護を受けた義経は、兄である頼朝が治商・寿永の乱(1180年)で平氏打倒を掲げるとそれに馳せ参じ、大天狗から授かった斬新な兵法で平家の裏を衝きます。
  • 一の谷(1184年)、屋島(1184年)、壇ノ浦(1185年)と快勝を上げ平氏打倒の最大の功労者であったといわれています。
  • ところが””吾妻鏡””(あづまかがみ)によれば、戦の功労から官位を受けたり、独断で平氏との戦いにおける判断を下したりした義経の力を疎ましく思った兄である頼朝の手により朝敵として全国に帆なくの銘を出されてしまいます。
  • その後藤原氏を再度頼るも追及を逃れきることも出来ず、現在の岩手県平泉の屋敷を兵に囲まれました。

[Ushwakamaru and Tengu]
  • It is said that Kurama was the place where he devoted himself to learning by day and martial arts by night for ten years from the age of seven when he was known as Shanao.
    After his father Minamoto Yoshitomo was defeated by a rebel during the Heiji Rebellion, Yoshitsune was sent to Kurama Temple.
    A stranger, a Yamabushi, is upset by the arrival of the Yamabushi and leaves Yoshitsune behind.
  • The only one left behind, Yoshitsune was a mountain priest who found out his true identity and took pity on him, and led him to a flower garden.
    He also revealed his true identity as a big Tengu, and gave him the secret of the art of war so that he could defeat the Heike family.
    It is said to have happened when Yoshitsune was 11 years old.
  • It is said that the Great Tengu, who gave Yoshitsune the art of war after enduring a tough training, promised to meet again and left.
    Later, Yoshitsune received protection from the Oshu Fujiwara clan, and when his brother Yoritomo announced the overthrow of the Taira clan in the Jusunaga Rebellion (1180), he went along with it and challenged the Heike with a novel method of warfare given to him by the Great Tengu.
  • He is said to have been the greatest contributor to the overthrow of the Taira clan by achieving pleasant victories at Ichinotani (1184), Yashima (1184), and Dannoura (1185).
  • However, according to the "Azuma Kagami", Yoshitsune's brother Yoritomo, who was disdainful of Yoshitsune's power, who had received an official position for his battle service and made arbitrary decisions in the battle against the Taira clan, made him an enemy of the dynasty.
  • After that, he turned to the Fujiwara clan again, but was unable to escape their pursuit, and was surrounded by soldiers at his current residence in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture.
    It is said that Yoshitsune did not fight at all and took his own life after killing his wife and four-year-old daughter.