 サイズ 西の内2枚版
 ■商品コード T-16011■   
・Fukuhime and
 Savage Dog Hachibo

Size: Nishi-Nouchi 2-page
 Product code T-16011
              ▶email order  
  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記です。別途、消費税が加算されます。
  • これらの津軽凧絵は、絵のみとなります。
  • 額入の場合、額の種類等により価格が異なりますので、ご相談ください。
  • サイズは、西の内の尺度となります。
  • All prices are listed in the table below. A separate consumption tax will be added.  
  • These Tsugaru kite paintings are paintings only.
    (It's not a kite with a frame.)
  • It may take several months depending on the busy season, so please contact us.
  • The price of a framed picture differs depending on the type of the frame, so please consult with us.
  • The size will be on a scale of Nishinouti (west inside).
    One sheet (333mm x 485mm) of Nishinouti (west inside) is two sheets of half-paper (243mm x 333mm).
  • 室町時代、いまの千葉県に安房の国がありました。
    領主である里見家の主は正義を守り、情に厚い立派な武将でしたが戦乱の時代、 周りの国々と何度も戦をしなければなりませんでした。 里見家には伏姫とい う娘がいましたが口がきけず、一度も 笑うことなく泣いてばかりいました。と ころが、三歳になったあるとき一人の老人から白い八つの玉のついた数珠をも らった途端に口がきけるようになり、そのことがあってから、伏姫は美しく利口な娘に成長していきました。そんな姫に里見家の飼い犬である八房という猛犬もよくなついていました。
  • 里見家が戦で負けそうになったときに、敵の大将を倒したら伏姫をもらうという約束を主と交わした八房は、見事に敵の大将を倒しました。里見家の主は 姫を八房に与えることに悩みましたが、伏姫は家のため、父のためと思い、老人からもらった数珠を首にかけ、八房にみちびかれて姿を消してしまいました。伏姫のことを心配するあまり病気になってしまった姫の母のためにも何とか姫を連れ戻そうと、姫と八房の行方を探し当てた里見家の主は家臣を引き連れて出発しましたが、八房を狙った鉄砲の弾が八房の身体を突き抜けて伏姫の命までも奪ってしまいました。心やさしい姫の魂は八つの数珠の玉にのり移り関 東の八つの国にそれぞれ散っていきました。その玉には「仁・義・礼・智・忠・ 信・孝・悌」の文字がひとつずつ刻まれていました。
  • それからしばらくの間に、関東の八つの国からこの玉を持った八人の勇士が現れました。彼らは玉に刻まれた文字にふさわしい心をもっており、その心を一つにして里見家のために奮闘しました。彼らの活躍によって平和な時代がおとずれたのは、伏姫の死から三十余年あとのことでした。
    彼ら八勇士はそれぞ れ里見家の姫と結婚し、幸せに暮らしました。
[Fukuhime and Savage Dog Hachibo]
  • In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), there was the country of Awa in what is now Chiba Prefecture.
    The lord of the Satomi family was a noble warlord who protected justice and compassion, but he had to fight with the surrounding countries many times during the war years. 
    The Satomi family had a daughter, Fushimi, who could not speak and never laughed and cried.
    When she was three years old, an old man gave her a bead of beads with eight white beads, and as soon as she was three years old, she was able to speak.
    The Satomi family's fierce dog, Hachibo, used to play with her.
  • When the Satomi family was about to be defeated in battle, Hachibo made a promise to the Lord that he would receive a fusehime if he defeated the enemy general, and he defeated the enemy general brilliantly.
    The lord of the Satomi family was troubled by the idea of giving the princess to Hatobo, but for the sake of the family and his father, Fusehime put the prayer beads that the old man gave her around her neck and disappeared after being led away by the Hachibo.
    In order to bring her back to her mother, who had fallen ill from worrying about Fusehime, the master of the Satomi family found out where she and Hachibo were and set out with his vassals, but a gunshot aimed at Hachibo pierced his body and took Fusehime's life.
    The spirit of the kind-hearted princess was transferred to the eight beads and scattered to each of the eight countries of Kanto.
    One by one, the beads were inscribed with the words "Jin," "Gi," "Rei," "Chi," "Chu," "Chin," "Faith," "Kou," and "Di.
  • A short time later, eight brave men with this jade appeared from the eight countries of Kanto.
    They had hearts worthy of the letters carved into the jade, and with those hearts together, they struggled for the sake of the Satomi family.
    It was more than 30 years after Fusehime's death that an era of peace was ushered in by their efforts.
    Each of the eight braves married a princess of the Satomi family and lived happily ever after.