ブナ(山毛欅、橅、椈、桕、学名:Fagus crenata Blume)は、ブナ科ブナ属の落葉高木。
種小名の crenata は、「円鋸歯状の」を意味する。

-Brown beech-
The beech (mountain hairy zelkova, brown beech, Japanese beech, scientific name: Fagus crenata Blume) is a tall deciduous tree in the beech family.
It is a deciduous broad-leaved tree, a major constituent species of temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests, and a representative tree of temperate forests in Japan.
The species sub-name crenata means "circular serrated".
The Chinese term "mountain hairy zelkova" refers to a species of Chinese beech, not to this species. The word "beech" is a recently coined Japanese character and is generally used for (Japanese) beech. Japanese beech is not used for beech at all in China, but is used for Japanese beech, although it can mean Japanese cypress. It is also known as white beech and sobagri. As a wood, it is called "beach"

高さ30 mほどに達する落葉高木。樹皮は灰白色できめが細かく、よく地衣類などが着いて、独特の模様のように見える。若い枝は褐色で光沢がある。葉は互生し楕円形(長さ4-9 cm、幅2-4 cm)で、薄くてやや固め、縁は波打っていて、鋸歯と言うよりは葉脈のところで少しくぼんでいる感じになる。秋には黄葉し、その後落葉する。冬芽は褐色の鱗片に包まれ、茎が伸びた後もそれがぶら下がっている。芽から展開した若葉には長い軟毛があり、後に無毛となる。
A deciduous tree that can reach a height of about 30 m. The bark is grayish-white and fine-grained, often with a lichen-like appearance. The bark is grayish-white and fine-grained, often covered with lichens and other substances, giving it a distinctive pattern. The young branches are brown and shiny. The leaves are alternate and elliptical (4-9 cm long and 2-4 cm wide), thin and somewhat stiff, with wavy edges that are slightly hollowed rather than serrated at the veins. The leaves yellow in autumn and then deciduous. The winter buds are encased in brown scales, which still hang on after the stem has grown. The young leaves that develop from the buds have long pubescence, which later becomes hairless.
The plant is dioecious and blooms in May as the leaves unfold. The male flowers are clustered in clusters with 6-15 flowers at the end of the stem hanging from the ends of branches. Female flowers turn upward on the upper leaf margins of branches this year at the end of the stigma. The fruit ripens in October in bracts, and the funnel is divided into four pieces and scattered around the plant. The surface of the chinquapin fruit is slightly spiked. The two berries encased in the funnel are triangular in cross-section, resembling small, skinny acorns. However, the endosperm inside has no astringency and is rich in fat, and is delicious and can be eaten raw. The ancient name for beech is buckwheat, and the name of its fruit is buckwheat guri, which means buckwheat tree or chestnut with buckwheat in its fruit. This is the same as the ancient name for the buckwheat (buckwheat), a member of the Polygonaceae family.
As the beech grows, it releases toxins from its roots. Therefore, only the most healthy beech remains within a certain range, and the rest of the beech grows weak and dies. However, two beech trees may grow like twins in a certain range. This is a beech that has grown from two identical genetic species in a single fruit.

Cotyledons (bottom) and leaves (top) that germinated from seeds

Young leaves with long soft hairs, which later become hairless 

drooping male flowers and female flowers in transition to fruit

本州中部では、ほぼ標高1,000-1,500 mまでの地域がブナ林となる。日本北限のブナ林は、一般的には北海道黒松内町のものが有名であるが、実は最北限のブナ林は隣町の寿都町にある。また、日本のブナの離島北限は奥尻島である。一方、南限のブナ林は鹿児島県高隈山にある。

It grows in temperate mountainous regions. It is widely distributed in southern Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu in Japan, and beech forests are established between the low-mountain deciduous forests and the subalpine coniferous forests. In the snowy mountains on the Sea of Japan side and near the back ridge of the Ou Mountains, there were extensive areas of beech forests that were close to natural forests, but they were extensively logged after the war. The beech forest in the Shirakami Mountains, a World Heritage Site, is the last remaining natural forest that has been consolidated due to resistance from conservationists. Down to the Pacific side, there are not many pure forests, but rather mixed forests with other tree species such as Quercus crispula.
In central Honshu, beech forests cover most of the area up to 1,000 to 1,500 m above sea level. The northern limit of beech forests in Japan is generally known as the one in Kurosatsunai-cho, Hokkaido, but in fact, the northernmost beech forest is located in the neighboring town of Suttsu. In fact, the northern limit of beech forests is located in the neighboring town of Tutu. On the other hand, the southern limit of beech forests is located in Mt.
As for the extensive beech forests outside the Shirakami Mountains, there are vast beech forests in the vicinity of Hakusan, Gifu, Ishikawa, Fukui, and Toyama Prefectures, and Tadami Town, Fukushima Prefecture. (According to Kazuto Tsubota's book, "Beech Mountain Travel" and "Mountain Travel of Beech")
・Four lobed beech shells andnuts

The beech fruit is important as food for many mammals, and 2003 was a poor year for beech, although it is well known for the large number of Japanese black bears that came into the village. However, the beech crop is basically poor every year, with a good harvest only once every five to ten years. Furthermore, in 2004, when the beech crop was even poorer than in 2003, there were fewer occurrences than in 2003, and in 2005, when there was an unprecedentedly good beech crop nationwide, there were areas where the number of bears increased and areas where the number of bears decreased. From the above, there is a theory that there is no correlation between the appearance of the black bear and the poor harvest of the beech.


Because of its susceptibility to decay and bending after processing, zelkova was not favored as a material for use until the second half of the 20th century, but it was in demand for firewood and other inferior goods. From the late Heian period to the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, it was an indispensable alternative to the fine zelkova wood for making popular lacquerware bowls and plates. It was also used as a raw wood for mushroom cultivation.
The demand for processing increased thanks to chemical treatment and the advent of plywood. Nevertheless, it is still considered to be of low value as a timber, and in Japan, the beech forests shrank when cedar was planted after the beech trees were cut down. However, because it is suitable for bending, it is preferred for furniture legs.
It is used for furniture (mainly legged furniture), skis, veneers, toys, musical instrument keyboards and brush handles.