BOWL #264
BOWL #268

BOWL #269

BOWL #264
BOWL #268

BOWL #269

▶email order 

  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記。 別途、消費税が、加算されます。 価格改定。(2019.10.01)
  • 箱入り包装・熨斗等は、商品代金の5%にて、承ります。
  • ※受注生産と記載のある製品は、受注後、約3週間後の納品となります。
  • 天然素材の為、商品によって色・木目が異なります。
  • The price is shown in the unit price. Consumption tax will be added to the price.
    Price Revision. (2019.10.01)
  • A 5% of the product price will be charged for wrapping and noshi (gift-wrapping) in a box.
  • The products that are marked as Production by Order will be delivered in about 3 weeks after the order is placed.
  • Because they are made of natural materials, the color and grain of the wood may vary depending on the product.
Good Design Aword

1981 - 『盛り皿』『浅はち』『サラダボウル』通産省選定
1982 - 『洋鉢』通産省グッドデザイン商品に選定
2012 - 『青森ブナを使った食器群』として『洋鉢(現#266)』

It has been produced and sold for more than 10 years and is now
Bunaco's bowls are the most popular products in Aomori
The first Good Design and Long Life Design Award in the prefecture
We were awarded with the Good Design Award

1981 - Plates, Asahachi, and Salad Bowl, selected by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
     Selected as a good design product
1982 - Western-style bowl was selected as a Good Design Product by the Ministry of International
     Trade and Industry
2012 - "Bowl (now #266)" as "Tableware made of Aomori Beech
     The "Salad Bowl (now #264)" and "Bowl (now #261)
     Selected for the Good Life Design and Long Life Design Award