■Gift set
小鉢:最大137 高48
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■Gift set
・Set of 5 small bowls
5 small bowls
Small bowl: max 137 H 48
( L 401 x W 292 x H 58 )
Product Code FS-62543
▶email order |
- 価格は「基本価格」で表示しております。価格に消費税が加算されます。
- (※)こちらの商品は在庫限りの商品となります。
- Prices are listed as "base price". Consumption tax will be added to the price.
[※]This is a limited stock item.
This product will be discontinued while supplies last.
- Handwork Specialties is based on handcrafting, not mass production. If we do not have it in stock, you will have to wait. Thank you for your understanding.
- お中元とは、7月初旬から15日までの間に、お世話になった人にプレゼントを贈る風習のこと。もともとは中国の道教に由来する年中行事で、1月15日を「勝元」、7月15日を「中元」とし、10月15日を小元として行われた祭りのうち、中元だけが日本のお盆に関連して残っている。
- Ochugen is the custom of giving gifts to those who have been kind to you between the beginning of July and the 15th. thing. Originally, this annual event originated from Chinese Taoism, with January 15th being "Sheng Yuan", July 15th being "Zhong Yuan" and Of all the festivals held on October 15 as Xiao Yuan, only the middle one remained in connection with the Japanese Obon festival.
It is said that the current custom of giving gifts was established in the
Edo period (1603-1867). It is said that this custom took root in the Edo
period, when the "Summer Festival" was held as a gift of gratitude.
- りんご
- Apples are a representative fruit of Aomori. Its pretty shape and color are reflected in a glass. Apples are said to be a symbol of happiness and are a popular motif for many people.