- 刻々と姿を変える八甲田山。その大粒の雪の結晶を再現する。
- 津軽半島の西側に広がる、七里長浜の砂から作られた「津軽びいどろ」は、紀元前一世紀頃から受け継がれてきた「宙吹き」の技法で流麗なガラスの美を創りあげてきました。千五百度で原料を溶融し、成型温度千二百度という灼熱の中で、どろどろに溶けたガラスを吹きざおに巻き取り、息を吹き込んで膨らませます。上下左右にさおを振り、形を整え、熟練した職人たちの手によって、ガラスという素材に命が吹き込まれていくのです。みちのくの豊かな自然に育まれ伸びやかな美しさを持つ「津軽びいどろ」。
- Hakkouda, which changes its shape every moment. The large snowflakes are
- Tsugaru Biidoro is made from the sand of Shichirinagahama, located on the west side of the Tsugaru Peninsula, and the technique of blowing glass in mid-air has been handed down since the first century B.C. It is a technique that has been used to create beautiful, flowing glass.
- The raw materials are melted at 1,500 degrees Celsius, and the molten glass is rolled up into a blowing rod in the scorching heat of 1,200 degrees Celsius, and then inflated by blowing in the air.
The skilled craftsmen shake the pole up and down, from side to side, shaping it and breathing life into the glass material.
- Nurtured by the rich nature of Michinoku, "Tsugaru Biidoro" has a relaxed beauty.
The beautiful masterpiece of Tsugaru Biidoro, reflecting the rich background of Tsugaru, is now available again.