Tsugaru Biidoro and Craftsmen[Aomori Traditional Craftsman]
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大川薫 1940年 新潟県に生まれる 1964年 北洋硝子に入社 1980年 この年より、現在まで各地での個展やガラス展 への出店多数。 1986年 青森県芸術文化報償受賞 1990年 東北ガラスアート展 第一部大賞受賞 1991年 第一回日本ガラスアート展 旭硝子賞受賞 2006年 北洋硝子褐レ問 2008年 逝去 Kaoru Okawa 1940 - Born in Niigata Prefecture in 1964 - Joined Hokuyo Glass 1980 - Since then, he has had solo exhibitions and glass shows in various locations. 1986, he was awarded the Aomori Prefecture Arts and Culture Award. 1986 Awarded the Aomori Prefecture Arts and Culture Award 1990 First Prize, Tohoku Glass Art Exhibition, 1990 1991 Awarded the Asahi Glass Prize at the First Japanese Glass Art Exhibition 2006 Advisor, Hokuyo Glass Co. 2008 Died in 2008 |
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秋村実 1937年 青森県に生まれる 1953年 北洋硝子鞄社 1982年 日本民藝館賞受賞 1983年 日本民藝館賞受賞 1987年 この年より各地で個展多数 1990年 東北ガラスアート展 第一部優秀賞受賞 1992年 北洋硝子鰹務取締役工場長 現在 北洋硝子褐レ問 Akimura Minoru. 1937 Born in Aomori Prefecture, Japan 1953 Joined Hokuyo Glass Co. 1982 Nihon Mingeikan Prize 1983 Awarded the Japan Mingeikan Prize 1987: Many solo exhibitions in various locations since then. 1990 Tohoku Glass Art Exhibition, First Prize, Excellent Performance Award 1992 Managing Director and Plant Manager of Hokuyo Glass Co. Advisor of Hokuyo Glass Co. |
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青森県伝統工芸士 芳賀 清二 1980年入社。 ガラス展に幾度となく作品を出品し、東北ガラスアート展やあおもりクラフトコンペ、日本民芸公募展などで数々の賞を受賞。 2007年には、青森県伝統工芸士に認定された。 Seiji Haga, traditional craftsman, Aomori Prefecture He joined the company in 1980. He has exhibited his works many times at glass exhibitions, and has received many awards at the Tohoku Glass Art Exhibition, the Aomori Craft Competition, and the Japanese Folk Crafts Competition. In 2007, he was certified as a traditional artisan by Aomori Prefecture. |
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青森県伝統工芸士 篠原 義和 1969年津軽びいどろの故郷・青森市に生まれ、1996年入社。 型を使わずにガラスを造形する「オーナメント」を得意としている。 シンプルな作風ながら、見る人や見る角度によってさまざまに表情を変える個性豊かな作品が多い。 2012年には、青森県伝統工芸士に認定された。 Yoshikazu Shinohara, a traditional craftsman of Aomori Prefecture Born in 1969 in Aomori City, the home of Tsugaru Biidoro, he joined the company in 1996. He specializes in "ornaments," which are made by molding glass without using molds. Many of his works have a simple style, but they have a rich individuality that changes in expression depending on the viewer and the angle from which they are viewed. In 2012, he was certified as a traditional artisan by Aomori Prefecture. |
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舘山 美沙 小さい頃に出会った、小さな花が入ったガラスのペーパーウェイトが忘れられず、好きなことを仕事に。 私生活では二児の母。 Misa Tateyama She never forgot the glass paperweights with little flowers that she encountered when she was a little girl and turned her love of work into a career. She is a mother of two children. 牧野 清子 前職は服飾の販売業。 ある日ガラス会社に勤める同級生と偶然再会し、楽しそうに働く姿に惹かれてガラス職人の道へ。 私生活では一児の母。 Kiyoko Makino Previously, she worked in the clothing sales industry. One day, she ran into a classmate who worked at a glass company and was fascinated by the way he was enjoying his work, so she decided to become a glassworker. In her personal life, she is a mother of one child. |
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1991年入社。 “宙吹き”の技術を受け継ごうと日々研鑽するかたわら、『津軽びいどろ』の色彩を活かした個人作品の制作にも取り組んでいる。 2018年には、青森県伝統工芸士に認定された。 Masato Jin, a traditional craftsman, Aomori Prefecture He joined the company in 1991. "While working hard every day to inherit the technique of "mid-air blowing", he is also working on creating personal works of art using the colors of "Tsugaru Biidoro". In 2018, he was certified as a traditional craftsman in Aomori Prefecture. |
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福士 祐介 造園業や内装業など、さまざまな“つくる”仕事を経てガラス職人へ。職人歴は10年以上。思い入れのある製品は、地元での思い出や風情を写し込んだ「津軽びいどろNEBUTA」で、なかでも大鉢の見応えや、完成した時の達成感はひとしお。 Yusuke Fukushi He became a glass artisan after working in various "making" jobs such as landscaping and interior design. He has been working as a glass artisan for more than 10 years. The product he is most passionate about is the "Tsugaru Biidoro NEBUTA", which reflects his memories and the scenery of his hometown. Among them, the large bowl is particularly spectacular, and the sense of accomplishment one gets when completing it is very satisfying. |
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横山 俊彦 木工職人の父親に憧れて職人の道へ。 北洋硝子の工房と、そこで働く職人たちの姿を見て「こんなに格好いい仕事があるのか」と衝撃を受けて硝子職人となる。 『津軽びいどろ』のスピン成形による生産ラインを確立させ、現在では伝統工芸の宙吹き技法を受け継ごうと技を磨いている。 Toshihiko Yokoyama He admired his father, a woodworker, and became a craftsman. When he saw the Hokuyo Glass workshop and the artisans working there, he was shocked to find such a cool job, and became a glass craftsman. He established a spin-molding production line for "Tsugaru Biidoro" and is currently honing his skills to carry on the traditional glassblowing technique. |