・戒名蝋燭 1本
   7匁  A-04201
  10匁  A-04202 
  15匁   A-04203 
   7匁   A-04204
   10匁  A-04205 
   15匁  A-04206


・candle with a preceptor's name on it
 1 piece (in a box)

   7 monme   A-04201 
    Height: approx. 15.5 cm x φ1.9 cm
  10 monme  A-04202 
    Height: approx. 17.0cm xφ 2.2cm
  15 monme   A-04203 
    Height: approx. 19.0 cm x φ2.5 cm
 [without a picture on it]
   7 monme   A-04201
    Height: approx. 15.5 cm x φ1.9 cm
  10 monme  A-04202 
    Height: approx. 17.0cm xφ 2.2cm
  15 monme   A-04203 
    Height: approx. 19.0 cm x φ2.5 cm

□The minimum order for this
  commandment candle is 10.
  For smaller quantities, please contact us.

 ▶email order 
  • 「人が他界する時暗闇に入り、三途の川を渡る、その時に仏の知恵の明かりである「灯明」に導かれ浄土に赴く」ということが元になり、普段から仏壇に蝋燭を灯して居ます。
  • 又、灯明は、仏様の慈悲の光でもあり、ご先祖の遺光でもあり、娑婆世界の私達の前途を照らしてくれております。当工房では、「浄土におられるご先祖の安穏を願う」という思いで 此度 戒名・蝋燭を考案して、ご供養のお手伝いをさせていただいております
  • お盆のお迎えのときにほんの少し灯し、お帰りのときに、ご先祖の安寧とご加護を願いながら残りを灯して送りまする、というふうにお使いいただければと思います。
  • This is based on the belief that "when a person passes away, he or she enters the darkness and crosses three-way river, and is guided by 'lanterns', the light of Buddha's wisdom, to the Pure Land.
  • It is also the light of Buddha's mercy, the beacon of our ancestors, and the light of our future in this world.
  • In order to pray for the peace of our ancestors in the Pure Land, we have created a new type of candle with the name of a commandment and a candle to help them make a memorial service.
  • We hope that you will be able to light a little bit of this when you welcome the Obon Festival, and then light the rest on your way home, wishing your ancestors peace and blessings.
 ※価格は、「本体価格」です。別途消費税が加算されます。 料金改定(2020.05.01)。

  • The price is the price of the main unit.A separate consumption tax will be added.
      Rate revision (2020.05.01).
  • The total price of the product is 3,000 yen or more.
  • If the product is out of stock, it will take one to two weeks for delivery.
    It is a monetary unit of silver in the Edo period (pre-Edo period, mainly Edo period).
  • Monme" is a name of a Japanese traditional mass unit ( sha-kan-o ) which is unique to Japan and is also a uniquely Japanese folk name for weight.
    The current 5 yen coin in Japan is 1 monme (3.75 grams). In other words, 1/1000 kan (one kan is 3.75kg).
  • The size is expressed in cm as the height and diameter (φ) of the thickest part of the core.