木村木品製作所 □■わらはんど 青森のやさしいおもちゃたち

■商品コード WT020-02■
Product Code WT013-01
the Wood Design Award.(2015)  
                   ▶email order  

  • 弘前八幡宮の改修の際に、大鳥居も新しい鳥居になりました。
  • During the renovation of Hirosaki Hachimangu Shrine, the Otorii gate was also replaced with a new one.
    This is a toy for babies with good fortune, made from reused wood from the old torii gate, with the Hirosaki Hachiman Shrine bell inside.
    The Hachiman series has a total of four patterns: horizontal and forward, dog and boar.
    It is finished with no paint, so even small children who want to check everything with their tongues will feel safe.
    The faint sound of the bells, which can be heard through the tree, tickles your curiosity.

  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記です。別途、消費税が加算されます。
  • ハンドメイドのため木製部分は若干の個体差があります。予めご了承ください。
  • All prices are listed in the table below. A separate consumption tax will be added.
    Price revision (01.04.2020)
  • The wooden part has a slight individual difference because it is handmade. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
  • The main thing is to make orders.
  • Please contact us for more information on price and delivery.
  • 「わらはんど」
  • 青森県産材を中心に活用して作る、青い森のやさしいおもちゃたち。親子の和やかなコミュニケーションが自然に生まれることをイメージして作っています。特注のプレイグラウンドは自由自在、子供たちに夢を与えます。企業の集客力アップ・社会貢献活動の一つとして、また全国自治体・子育て支援のNPO団体の皆様に世界でそこだけにしかない遊び場をご予算、面積に応じて、ご提案させていただいております。
  • Warahando
  • Sweet toys in the blue woods taking an advantage of materials produced mainly in Aomori prefecture.
    We produce those of our toys picturing parent and child having gentle and natural communication.
    The custom-made playground designed with flexibility gives children a dream. We offer the one and only play land to companies for drawing more customers and as one of their CSR activities as well as to local communities across the country and NPOs providing parenting support depending on their budget and space.